Lowell Vickers: Chairperson, Port Elizabeth Chapter Leader I was born in East London and grew up on a farm in the Lady Grey district of the North Eastern Cape. Obtained a National Diploma in Electrical Engineering at PE Technikon and spent most of my career as a Sales Engineer, marketing and selling products in the Process Control…
The Policy and law making process in South Africa
This is a simplified explanation to understand and navigate the process of the development of the BELA Bill and the Policy on Home Education that impact our movement.
Meet the TEAM – 2020
Chairperson: Phillip Doubell East London Chapter leader: Joan Doubell I’m happily married to Joan and we have 5 kids that range from 23 to 6…. Bertus (23), Robyn (21), Jared (16), Chloé (15), and Emily-Grace (7). We started Homeschooling 3 years ago and at this stage, we are homeschooling two of our girls, Chloé and…
HOME EDUCATION Roundtable Discussion
28 February 2020 THEME: HOME EDUCATION IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE LEARNER Key objectives of the Round-table Discussions on Home Education: Create an opportunity to share with stakeholders the strategic direction of the government and the sector. Contribute to the development and implementation of the strategy and a sector plan on home education Engage…
Helping children take charge of stress and anxiety
As a result of the fast-paced world in which we live today, more and more children are becoming victims of stress and anxiety.
The Dad I want to be
“What do women want?” I asked in desperate frustration.
Practitioner Spotlight – Marion le Roux, Educational Psychologist, Jeffreys Bay
BUT, as I saw my grandchildren grow to love learning and develop into carefree, loving, confident, independent, emotionally stable, happy and well balanced young boys, my perceptions changed radically!
Introducing ECHSA as a representative body for home educators in the Eastern Cape
We as ECHSA have made it our mission to protect the rights of Homeschoolers in the Eastern Cape first, and subsequently in South Africa. Please join our Facebook group here: ECHSA Facebook group ECHSA’s Mission Statement: ECHSA is a Voluntary Association, a registered Nonprofit Organization(NPO) and Public Benefit Organization (PBO). The Association endeavours to obtain…
Multiple Intelligences
In recent years; however, more holistic and modern views around the topic of intelligence, have emerged which are no longer only linked to quantitative measures. Thank goodness!!